Thursday, July 07, 2005

The Shield of Faith

Biblical Foundations of Freedon by Art Matthias

The use of the Roman Shield--they were inter-lockable so that a canopy between all the shields could be formed. It took unity to form that canopy. They would take a wooden shield and put a thick coat of leather on it and soak it in water prior to battle so that they could extinguish the flaming darts and arrows. It would also dry out, so it would have to be continually re-wet.

Similarly, we need to be in the word and be completely in the word regularly to enable our shield of faith. The children of Israel, couldn't enter the promised land because of their unbelief. They even worshipped the golden calf. We have to really go forward in faith and not shrink back in doubt and fear and unbelief, as well. We are all capable, Judas, Peter, and others betrayed the Lord. Even Peter said that Jesus was Christ and the son of the Living God. And shortly after, he betrayed the Lord. Matthew 16: 13-17w

1 Corinthiand 10:13-14

2 Corinthians 10:4-6

The battlefield of the mind
; there are so many patterns of thinking that we don't realize are so engrained in us.

KAy Arthur, told of an African bird and how it protects her young. The screeching startles a hunter who notices a snake climbing up the tree, where there were baby birds. Then the mother bird flew off and came back quickly and covered the babies and then the snake saw the leaf and caused the snake to turn away. The hunter was puzzled. The leaf was poisonous to the snake. This is what God gave us, the shield of faith and helmet of salvation to take up the devil.

Our thoughts are either curses or blessings. Phil 4:8

Someone asked a preacher how to deal with lust and temptation. HE said, Temptations are like birds of the air, you have to swat them away and not let them build nests in our hair.

Hebrews 5:12-14

James 4:7
Resist means there is something that we are supposed to do. As we do this through experience, our shield (and faith) grows.

Romans 5:9-10 also v. 17
We were sinners far from God, and he took us out of death and gave us access to God; from death to life. What a huge transition! Yet, in Romans, three times it is said "how much more." We think of salvation as the pinnacle, but in Romans, how much more. This shows how little we truly understand about our salvation.

Romans 8:28-39

James 4:10

Ephesians 6:18-19


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