First Meeting @ Mike & Ginny's
January 22, 2007
Today we met for the first time at Mike and Ginny's. We had a full house, at least 20 people. We got to hear their testimony of how they sold their business and home and went to a Missionary School for 3 months in Hawaii. And from there they went to New Zealand. There Mike had a conflict with another brother and he felt the Lord speaking to him, "You can win New Zealand, but if you don't go home loving your brother, you have lost." Three months later his brother-in-the-Lord called to apologize. He also spent one year working with Justice for Children International.
Ginny spoke about how they are about relationships and accountability and how you can't have accountability without relationships.
We also had a wonderful time of worship, prayer and fellowship.
Our next meetings will be on Monday, February 12th, and then Monday, March 12th. For now, we will be meeting once a month.